Agile Testing Days Open Air 2023

AgileTD Open Air 2023

Software Systems Security & Trust & Testing

AgileTD Open Air is an outdoor knowledge transfer- and hands-on learning-oriented conference for and by Software Testing professionals involved in the agile world taking place at a unique location.
This event has a limited number of attendees. It's an exclusive event with a very intimate atmosphere, smaller groups, more face-to-face time with testing luminaries and industry experts, and more time to relax between the sessions to balance intense learning and mental recovery.
Lisi Hocke, speaker, and participant of AgileTD Open Air 2022 said about AgileTD Open Air that "it surprised me in many beautiful ways and I can only recommend you to seize the opportunity next year if you can."
We are looking for ideas for 105-min workshops and 25-min talks of high quality.