Special Collection on Blockchain for Vehicular Networks and Systems

IJDSN_BlockchainVehicular 2022

Computer Networks & Wireless Communication

Special Collection on Blockchain for Vehicular Networks and Systems
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks
SCIE (IF: 1.640, Clarivate Analytics)
URL: https://journals.sagepub.com/page/dsn/collections/special-issues/blockchain-for-vehicular-networks-and-systems
To have your paper considered for this Special Collection, submit by March 31, 2022.
Please review the Manuscript Submission Guidelines (https://uk.sagepub.com/en-gb/eur/international-journal-of-distributed-sensor-networks/journal202573?_gl=1*1gcf2bz*_ga*ODIwNDA2NjczLjE2MjAwMzkwMDU.*_ga_60R758KFDG*MTYzMTEyMDEzMS43LjEuMTYzMTEyMDQ3Ni4w&_ga=2.42379813.1440183421.1631108533-820406673.1620039005#submission-guidelines) before submitting your paper.
Go here: https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/ijdsn to submit your paper.
Lead Guest Editor:
Al-Sakib Khan Pathan
Independent University, Bangladesh
Co-Guest Editors
Mohiuddin Ahmed
Edith Cowan University, Australia
Muhammad Khalil Afzal
Comsats University Islamabad, Wah Campus, Pakistan
A blockchain is defined as the accumulation of a series of blocks where each block stores data involved in a transaction. For every transaction, the information is kept in a block and added to the chain. Researchers and practitioners have already come up with many potential applications of blockchain for enhancing security and privacy of various systems. While many other domains have already investigated the usage of blockchain, there is still some gap in the areas of VANET (Vehicular Ad hoc Network), Vehicular Communication Systems, and Intelligent Transportation Systems.
Recent research works have highlighted the importance to do thorough analysis of blockchain’s practical integration in these areas. While the ideas are promising, practical challenges to be faced are many, with the fundamental question of whether such a dynamic network or system would be at all a suitable platform for a blockchain-like mechanism. There are also issues related to computational power, storage issues, privacy, transparency, reputation, and security aspects of this technology.
In this Special Collection, we are interested in any area related to blockchain for vehicular networks and systems. Submissions can be theoretical or practical implementations of concepts. Survey papers will also be welcome, if with a thorough coverage of the area.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
Security and privacy issues of blockchain in vehicular networks and systems
Resource efficiency of blockchain-based mechanisms for vehicular networks
Integration of blockchain technology in a dynamic vehicular network setting
Transparency issues of blockchain in vehicular communication systems
Reliability issues of blockchain in intelligent transportation systems
Security attacks and their prevention using blockchain for VANET
Time complexity and overhead for blockchain usage in vehicular systems
Storage efficiency when using blockchain in vehicular systems
Blockchain applications for vehicular networks and systems
The submitted manuscripts for this Special Collection will be peer-reviewed before publication.
Submit your paper: https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/ijdsn
Please submit your paper according to the following timetable for the Special Collection:
Manuscript Deadline
March 31, 2022
An article processing charge may apply upon acceptance of your paper.