Distant Reading Training School: Named Entity Recognition & Geo-Tagging for Literary Analysis

NER & Geo-Tagging for Literary Analysis 2021

Humanities, Literature & Arts (General)

Distant Reading Training School:
Named Entity Recognition & Geo-Tagging for Literary Analysis
22-25 March 2021
The COST Action Distant Reading for European Literary History is issuing a Call for Applications for the online workshop,
Trainers: Carmen Brando (School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences), Francesca Frontini (Institute for Computational Linguistics in Pisa), Ioana Galleron (Sorbonne-Nouvelle University), Jessie Labov (Central European University; Eötvös Loránd Research Network), Benedikt Perak (University of Rijeka), Maciej Piasecki (Wroclaw University of Technology), Diana Santos (University of Oslo), Ranka Stanković (University of Belgrade).
Note that participation is free of charge!
Early Career Investigators from Inclusiveness Target Countries (http://www.cost.eu/about_cost/strategy/excellence-inclusiveness)
are strongly encouraged to apply!
To apply, please see the information and instructions in the full Call for Applications
Applications should be sent to Dmytro Yesypenko (dm.yesypenko@gmail.com) and Christof Schöch (schoech@uni-trier.de) until 7 March 2021.
We would be grateful for the dissemination of this message within your research communities.