The 6th International Symposium on Engineering and Applied Science (ISEAS 2024)

ISEAS 2024

  • URL:
  • Event Date: 2024-07-04 ~ 2024-07-06
  • Submission Date: 2024-03-01
  • Organizer: Higher Education Forum (HEF)
  • Location: Osaka, Japan

Materials Engineering Engineering & Computer Science (General) Manufacturing & Machinery Nanotechnology Civil Engineering Ecology Environmental Sciences Life Sciences & Earth Sciences (General) Sustainable Energy Biotechnology

The International Symposium on Engineering and Applied Science Conference, themed "Sustainable Development and Environmental Engineering," serves as a vital nexus for scholars, researchers, and practitioners navigating the intersection of engineering and environmental responsibility. Against the backdrop of pressing global challenges, this symposium provides a dynamic forum for the exchange of cutting-edge research and transformative ideas, emphasizing the role of engineering in fostering sustainable development.


Participants will explore topics such as renewable energy, eco-friendly infrastructure, waste management, and climate-resilient engineering solutions. By transcending disciplinary boundaries and promoting collaboration, the symposium aims to inspire actionable strategies for a sustainable and resilient world, where advancements in engineering not only drive economic growth but also contribute significantly to the global imperative of environmental conservation. The conference envisions a future where engineers and scientists play a pivotal role in shaping a world that balances technological progress with a steadfast commitment to environmental stewardship.


Special Session: Sustainable Development and Environmental Engineering

●Innovations in Sustainable Energy Technologies

●Advancements in Environmental Monitoring and Assessment

●Green Infrastructure and Sustainable Urban Planning

●Circular Economy: Engineering for Resource Efficiency

●Water Resource Management and Conservation Strategies

●Renewable Energy Integration in Engineering Systems

●Smart Technologies for Environmental Protection

●Climate-Resilient Infrastructure Design and Engineering

●Waste-to-Energy Solutions: Engineering for Sustainability

●Environmental Impact Assessment in Engineering Projects