International Journal of Control Theory and Computer Modelling


Real-time & Embedded Systems

International Journal of Control Theory and Computer Modelling ( IJCTCM )
Call for Papers
The International Journal of Control Theory and Computer Modelling (IJCTCM) is a Quarterly open access peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles which contribute new results in all areas of Control Theory and Computer Modelling. The journal focuses on all technical and practical aspects of Control Theory and Computer Modelling. The goal of this journal is to bring together researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to focus on advanced control engineering and modeling concepts and establishing new collaborations in these areas.
Authors are solicited to contribute to this journal by submitting articles that illustrate research results, projects, surveying works and industrial experiences that describe significant advances in Control Theory and Computer Modelling.
Topics of Interest :
Control theory
Networked control systems
Linear and nonlinear control systems
Hybrid systems
Optimization and optimal control
Agriculture, environment, health applications
Robust control
Industry, military, space applications
Adaptive control
Scientific computing
Digital control
Embedded systems
Feedback control
Real-time issues
Sliding mode control
Neural networks and fuzzy logic
Soft computing and control
Genetic algorithms and evolutionary computing
Process control and instrumentation
Numerical analysis and scientific computing
Fault detection and isolation
System identification and control
Model predictive control
Computer modelling
Stochastic control and filtering
Mathematical modelling
Systems and automation
Applications of modelling in science and engineering
Paper Submission:
Authors are invited to submit papers for this journal through E-mail :
. Submissions must be original and should not have been published previously or be under consideration for publication while being evaluated for this Journal.
Important Dates :
Submission Deadline
April 08, 2017
Authors Notification
May 08, 2017
Final Manuscript Due
May 18, 2017
Publication Date
Determined by the Editor-in-Chief
Related Journal :
International Journal of Chaos, Control, Modelling and Simulation ( IJCCMS )
Fatih Korkmaz
, Cankiri Karatekin Üniversitesi , Turkey
Editorial Board Members:
, K.L.N.College of Engineering, India
Abdul kadir Ozcan
, The American university, Cyprus
Abhineet Anand
, University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, India
, University of Djelfa, Algeria
Ankur Dumka
, University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, India
Nitiket Nijanand Mhala
, B.D.College of Engineering, Sewagram.
Balasubramaniam K
, Dr.MGR University, India
Basant Singh Rathore
, Rajiv Gandhi Proproudyogiki vishwavidyalaya Bhopal, India
Bharat Bhushan Agarwal
, I.F.T.M., University, India
C.S. Ravichandran
, Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, India
Daniel Grzonka
, Cracow University of Technology, Poland
Demian Antony D'Mello
, Canara Engineering College, India
Fatih Korkmaz
, Cankiri Karatekin University, Turkey
Gaurang Panchal
, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India
Gaurav Ojha
, Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management, India
Gaurav Tak
, Lovely Professional University, India
Govindraj Chittapur
, Basveshwar Engineering College, India
Hitesh Kumar Sharma
, University of Petroleum & Energy Studies, India
Isa Maleki
, Islamic Azad University, Iran
khushboo hemnani
, Trinity institute of technology and research Bhopal , India
, University of Djelfa, Algeria
M.Pravin Kumar
, K.S.R College of Engineering, India
Mahdi Sabouri
, Zanjan university, Iran
Nadine Akkari
, King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia
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