Austral Comunicación


Religion Communication Social Sciences (General)

Monographic Issue: Science, Beliefs and Discourses across Social Spheres and Societies

We are particularly interested (but not limited) in articles (e.g., media studies, policy studies, educational studies) that examine people’s perceptions and discourse of science and beliefs across these social contexts and are broadly focused on social and organizational practices such as:

  • communication of scientific and technological innovations with socio-cultural and ethical impact (artificial intelligence, vaccines, etc.);

  • cultural and artistic creation, production and dissemination (e.g. media and popular culture – including videogames and social media contents, user generated contents, etc.);

  • news making and dissemination, professional journalism and advertising;

  • teaching of topics such as evolution and death, spirituality in professional preparation (medicine, nursing, etc.);

  • public debate and communication (including political campaigns) over controversial issues (abortion, climate change and environmental issues, etc.);

  • public policy making and business practices (including stakeholders and networks management and communications);

  • social marketing strategies (e.g. for promoting health public policies, sustainability or science among religious leaders).

Research Article Proposals

Interested authors should email the two co-editors a 2-4 single-spaced pages in length. Please send: (1) cover page including proposed title of the chapter, author(s) information - full name(s), and contact details (postal address, e-mail address, telephone, and fax numbers), and (2) a general description of the article being proposed, including specific focus (research questions/issues under examination, research context), scholarship informing the work, methodological design, summary of findings, and statement of significance.

Tentative Timeline

  • November 1, 2023: Deadline for submission of research article proposals.

  • December 1, 2023: Authors of selected proposals are notified of acceptance.

  • April 1, 2024: Authors submit full research articles for peer review.

  • Early August 2024: Authors receive peer reviews.

  • Early September 2024: Authors submit revised manuscripts.

  • December 2024: Austral Comunicación publishes Monographic Issue.

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