Journal of Facade Design and Engineering


Architecture Civil Engineering

The Journal of Facade Design and Engineering presents new research results and new proven practice in the field of facade design and engineering. The goal is to improve building technologies, as well as process management and architectural design.

This journal is a valuable resource for professionals and academics involved in the design and engineering of building envelopes, including the following disciplines:

  • Architecture

  • Façade Engineering

  • Climate Design

  • Building Services Integration

  • Building Physics

  • Façade Design and Construction Management

  • Novel Material Applications.

The journal will be directed at the scientific community, but it will also feature papers that focus on the dissemination of science into practice and industrial innovations. In this way, readers explore the interaction between scientific developments, technical considerations and management issues.

Applied Practice Section

In our discipline, innovation is rooted in the interesting field between science and practice, which is why we believe that the JFDE journal must provide high-quality scientific content as well as papers which demonstrate the state of the art in façade building. In this section, high-quality contributions on façade projects will be published, including novel building technologies, design and building processes, digital tools and groundbreaking façade design.

Applied practice papers are subjected to the same review standards as all other papers and the JFDE team will actively follow and stimulate your contribution. We guarantee a broad visibility through open access publication presence in online databases.