Marine Corps University Journal

MCUJ Spring 2020


Innovation and Future War
The editors are looking for articles that speak to how the Depart­ment of Defense and the U.S. military, particularly the Marine Corps, consider and incorporate innovation into their plans and theories for future warfare, but also how they look at potential or planned advances in technology, how the Services envision or plan for it, and key nation-states’ future war strategies. Arti­cles may discuss the topic from a historical, contemporary, or forward-looking perspective from anywhere along the national security or international relations spectrum.
MCU Journal is a peer-reviewed journal, and submissions should be 4,000–10,000 words, footnoted, and formatted according to Chicago Manual of Style (17th edition). Junior faculty and ad­vanced graduate students are encouraged to submit. MCUP is also looking for book reviewers from international studies, polit­ical science, and contemporary history fields.
Contact Info:
Please contact Jason Gosnell at for inquiries or to submit an article. Articles must be received no later than January 2020 for consideration of publication.