React Next 2020

RN 2020

Software Systems

ReactNext 2020 Call For Papers
Link to CFP:
June 15th
David Intercontinental Tel Aviv
Make it awesome – submit your proposal!
Have something interesting to tell about React or its ecosystem?
We love interesting case studies, inspiring success and failure stories, awesome tools and libraries, deep dives and advanced features of React and React Native, and whatever else you feel is relevant for our audience.
***We are specifically looking for Advanced content for seasoned speakers***
Some ideas for topics:
React, Redux, MobX, GraphQL, ReasonML, Webpack, React Native, Hooks, React360, React internals, best practices, new approaches, experience from a battlefield, cool stuff.
All international speakers get invited to a tour in Israel for free.
* You can propose multiple talks and edit your CFP later on.
CFP is open until Feb 15th.