Nature-Inspired Computation in Navigation and Vehicle Routing

NIC-Navigation 2019

Mathematical Optimization

Call for Book Chapters
"Nature-Inspired Computation in Navigation and Vehicle Routing" (Edited Book)
Xin-She Yang (Middlesex University London, UK)
The above edited book will be published later this year by Springer
within the Springer Tracts in Nature-Inspired Computing (STNIC)
We have already had 10 confirmed chapters, but we would like to cover
a broader range of topics related to nature-inspired algorithms and its applications
concerning navigation, travelling salesman problem, vehicle routing,
transport problem, logistics and planning.
Interested readers are invited to contribute book chapters
on the following topics (but not limited):
* Nature-inspired algorithms
* Analysis and experiments of algorithms
* Navigation and path planning
* Vehicle routing
* Transport/logistic and planning
* Real-world applications and case studies
Key dates:
* Abstract: 30 April 2019
* Full chapter: 30 June 2019
* Review feedback: 20 July 2019
* Final version: 31 July 2019
To discuss your book chapter proposal/expression of interest,
please first submit your abstract as early as possible (by 30 April 2019)
to the Editor by email: x.yang( at )