The ongoing Knowledge of “Information Systems” is never capable of resolving the ongoing and emerging Global conundrums of the physical reality and the direction of Climate change.

Information Systems and Climate change 2020

Artificial Intelligence

[Information systems] is not limited to use of Computers while Computing. The primal components of [Information Systems] includes [Hardware, Software and [Man-kind] as the only Producer and User of [Data – Knowledge – Information]. All species within the physical reality have capability for desire, thus are engaged in computing and developing ecosystemic remedial measures of the ongoing conundrums, Challenges and disorders; as indicated by the increasing global efforts to control the Global challenges. The knowledge of [Information Systems] by which a species depends on to resolve the known physical conundrums influences the worth of [Physical Outcomes] manifesting into physical reality. The [Man-kind] of species is resolving [OUTCOMES] but not [CAUSES] of the increasing [Conundrums of physicality]. The cause of the physical reality is the capability for desire; but now increasingly growing in Malevolescence and Virulence. Knowledge of reality is limited to knowledge of the [OUTCOMES] or the physical perspectives of reality (Arts and Sciences).