First International Workshop on Engineering Resilient Robot Software Systems

ERRoSS 2020

Computer Security & Cryptography Security & Trust & Testing

Robots become more and more intelligent due to the increased penetration of general purpose computing technologies. Software frameworks like ROS gain in popularity each year. Despite the big success of software-driven robotics however, building fault-tolerant and resilient software for robotics remains a challenge. Compared to methods that are common in modern software engineering, software engineering in robotics lags behind several years due to the complexity and immaturity of the field leading to error prone robotic systems and tedious development processes.
This workshop benefits the field of robotic software engineering by promoting novel ideas, technologies, tools, and best practices for building high-quality, robust and resilient robotic software. Feature-driven development of robotic software is still hardly possible in the environments we currently work in since the sheer complexity of the technology itself is challenging enough. With this workshop we want to lay the foundations for a community bringing together roboticists and software people who push for developer productivity, modern methods and tools because in the end, robots can only be good if their developers find perfect circumstances for engineering them.
Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
- Best practices in engineering robotic software (with focus on resilience)
- Continuous integration and deployment in robotics
- Metrics to measure non-functional properties (with focus on resilience) and their application in robotic software
- Validation and verification of robotic software
- Test automation for robotic software
- Certification of robotic software
- Lessons learned in the engineering and deployment of robotic software
- Engineering robotic software for evolution
- Tools for robotic software developers
- Continuous reliability engineering
- Security testing of robotic systems
- Ensuring security properties in evolving robotic software
- Increasing developer productivity in robotics
- Agile methods for resilient robotic software engineering
ERRoSS 2020 will consist of selected invited talks (max. 2 and max. 1h per talk) in conjunction with presentations of accepted papers.
We solicit submissions of
- Research papers presenting new unpublished work (max eight (8) pages in length)
- Work-in-progress papers describing novel research approaches and containing preliminary results (max. two (2) pages in length)
- Lessons learned papers that present relevant experiences from industry (max. four (4) pages in length)
- Vision papers on the future of resilient software engineering in robotics (max. four (4) pages in length)
RRoSS 2020 will be co-located with the fourth International Conference on Robotic Computing (IRC 2020).