OpenLearning Conference - Educating the Future Workforce

Nov 2019

Teaching & Teacher Education

We are pleased to announce the 3rd annual OpenLearning Conference, which will take place in Sydney, Australia on 26th and 27th November 2019.
This is our third international conference, after successfully hosting similar ones in Sydney (2017) and Kuala Lumpur (2018). Last year in Kuala Lumpur, we had over 190 participants and speakers from academia, industry and government from around the world.
As the Fourth Industrial Revolution unfolds, its disruptive and constructive impact can be felt within our personal and professional lives. In order to fulfil demands for the future workforce, companies are seeking the right talent with the right – and specialised – skill sets. This has led to a rise in demand for new strategies and approaches to reskill and upskill by way of “knowledge equipping” and “knowledge production”. New pedagogical techniques and educational approaches within the teaching and learning framework should align with, if not be ahead of, the ongoing evolution of workforce expectations.
The 2-day conference will bring together relevant stakeholders including educators, institutions, industry partners and policymakers who will highlight a number of themes within the umbrella theme of Educating the Future Workforce.
Paper submissions to the OpenLearning Conference 2019 are now open. Presenters may submit abstracts for:
Research Papers
A manuscript that the author(s) submit for academic peer review. Research papers present integrative reviews or original reports of substantive new work: theoretical, empirical, and/or in the design, development and/or deployment of novel concepts, systems, and mechanisms.
Beyond Papers
The scope of beyond paper includes sharing experiences, successes, experiments, case studies or student stories. The papers can be presented, but are not limited to, oral presentations, panel presentations, media & digital (ppt, video) or printed materials (such as poster presentations) which will be exhibited at the conference.
The OpenLearning Conference 2019 calls for papers surrounding the topics of:
i. Educating for Tomorrow’s Workforce
new learning models & ecosystems
massive open online courses (MOOCs)
flipped classrooms
open educational resources
talent development strategies
learning and re-skilling initiatives
next generation of workers
ii. Designing for Communities of Practice
learning design
pedagogy discourse & best practice
community-based learning
tools of assessment
experiential learning
constructivist learning
social learning​
epistemic fluency
iii. Equity with Quality
skills distribution
unbundling education
quality education
equality in education
global talent shortages
education and skills mismatches
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