CVPR'19 Workshop on Deep Learning for Visual Navigation


Artificial Intelligence

Call for Papers
Workshop on Deep Learning for Semantic Visual Navigation
In conjunction with CVPR’19
Visual navigation, the ability of an autonomous agent to find its way in a large, visually complex environment based on visual information, is a fundamental problem in computer vision and robotics.
This workshop provides a forum to promising ideas proposing to advance visual navigation by combining recent developments in deep and reinforcement learning. A special focus lies on approaches that incorporate more semantic information into navigation, and combine visual input with other modalities such as language.
-- Deep Reinforcement Learning for Navigation
-- Deep Learning for Planning and Reasoning
-- Representations for Navigation
-- Vision-Based, Semantic SLAM
-- Learning methods for SLAM
-- 3D Image Understanding
-- Simulation Environments for Navigation and Control
-- Language and Robot Navigation
-- Object Detection, Segmentation for Robot Navigation
Paper submission deadline: April 10th, 2019
Paper notification date: April 17th, 2019
Camera ready paper: April 24th, 2019
Workshop date: June 16, 2019
Submission details
The workshop accepts 2 page abstracts up to 8 page full papers. The paper should be formatted the same way a conference submission to CVPR is formatted. Each paper will be reviewed by at least two reviewers. The workshop does not accept double submissions, e.g. no concurrent submissions to other workshops. The reviewing process is single blind, i.e. the reviewer will know the authors but the other way around. The accepted papers will be linked online on the workshop website. They will not be part of the CVPR proceedings or otherwise archived. The submission webpage is under:, and the deadline is March 25th.
Alexander Toshev, Google AI,
Anelia Angelova, Google AI,
Niko Suenderhauf, Queensland U of Technology,
Ronald Clark, Imperial College London,
Andrew Davison, Imperial College London,
Jitendra Malik (UC Berkeley & Facebook)
Vladlen Koltun (Intel Labs)
Jana Kosecka (George Mason University)
Ruslan Salakhutdinov (CMU)
Georgia Gkioxari (Facebook)
Larry Matthies (JPL)