Java Pathfinder Workshop 2019

JPF 2019

Software Systems

Java Pathfinder is the annual workshop on technologies related to Java Pathfinder and similar program analysis tools and approaches.
We solicit regular paper submissions on existing research and applications related to Java Pathfinder (JPF) or its extensions. If the underlying research idea has been published in another venue, the paper needs to clarify the novel aspects that are being presented in the paper. We also solicit extended abstracts and position paper submissions on recent work or work in progress. We welcome comparative analysis papers that evaluate algorithms in JPF or its extensions with other relevant tools. The goal of the workshop is to encourage the flow of ideas relevant to JPF and Java/Android program analysis in general.
Topics of interest include the following:
JPF extensions or tools
JPF case studies
Position papers on JPF, such as future directions
Java program analysis or verification
Android program analysis or verification
General software verification and symbolic execution techniques or tools
Submission formats
We solicit two types of submissions to be uploaded on EasyChair/JPF2019:
Regular papers: At most 5-page long papers in the ACM SEN Proceedings format will be reviewed by the organizing committee. Accepted regular papers will be presented at the workshop and published in the ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes and the ACM Digital Library, as in previous years.
Extended abstracts: At most 2-page long abstracts will be selected by the organizing committee. Accepted abstracts will be presented at the workshop but NOT published.