2019 XJTLU International Conference: Architecture across Boundaries



Boundaries in architecture become increasingly apparent when working in an international context. Boundaries can mean geographical borders or physical territories but also can refer to social, cultural and professional difference. Architectural practitioners working in an international or global context often find that while the projects are international, regulation and professional practice methods and procedures remain at the national level. The aims of this conference are to bring together practitioners, academics and professional bodies from across China and internationally to discuss the key issues, challenges/opportunities, surrounding architectural practice in the global context and showcase the innovative and best practice methods architects develop. The conference will build a platform to share knowledge and foster collaborations in order to develop research links and practice collaborations between professional bodies, academia and industry
We welcome paper and poster submissions on topics belonging to, or “crossing the boundaries” of the below four themes, and more in general relating to international architectural practice around the world. Both practitioners and academics, including postgraduate research students, are encouraged to submit abstracts and/or posters illustrating research, critical reflections, best practices and case studies.
Theme 1. Trans-national Architecture: Global Practice in the Local Context
Theme 2. Architecture across Cultures: Making, Representation and Material
Theme 3. Education and Professional Practice across Borders
Theme 4. Future Cities, Sustainability, Workflows and BIM