Deep Learning and Big Data for Intelligent Transportation: Enabling Technologies and Future Trends

Call for Book Chapter 2020

Artificial Intelligence

Call for Book Chapters
Book Title: Deep Learning and Big Data for Intelligent Transportation: Enabling Technologies and Future Trends
Published by Springer, Studies in Computational Intelligence series in Year 2020
Deep learning and big data are very dynamic, grooming and important research topics of today’s technology. They are contributing to the progress towards intelligent transportation such as fully autonomous vehicles. Transportation generated massive amount of data collected from multiple sources including road sensors, UAVs, probe, GPS, CCTV and incident reports. The collected data are highly needed to make serious traffic decisions such as rerouting, safe-driving decision, etc. With this rich volume and velocity of data, it is challenging to build reliable prediction models based on traditional relational database and machine learning methods. Recently, big data, deep learning and reinforcement learning are new state-of-the-art data management and machine learning approaches which have been of great interest in both academic research and industrial applications.
In general, the use of big data, deep learning and reinforcement learning in transportation is still limited. The main aim of this book is to encourage recent studies of deep learning and reinforcement learning for intelligent transportation and focus on popular topics including processing traffic data, transportation network representation, traffic flow forecasting, traffic signal control, automatic vehicle detection, traffic incident processing, travel demand prediction, autonomous driving and driver behaviors. It is expected the research submitted to this book will answer the following question: How big data and deep learning should be used to build intelligent transportation systems to achieve safety and optimize performance and economy?
Target Audience:
This book would serve a broad audience including researchers, academicians, students and working professional in the field of utilities, manufacturing, health, environmental services, government, defense and networking companies.
Recommended Topics:
 IoT-driven intelligence and incorporate deep learning models
 Big data and autonomous vehicles
 Deep learning for transportation models
 Reinforcement learning for intelligent transportation
 Detection of Vulnerable Road Users and Animals Air, Road, and Rail
 Deep learning models for achieving pedestrians and cyclist safety
 Practical issues in building Safe transports applications
 Vision, Image Processing and Environment Perception
 Vehicle localization and autonomous navigation
 Vehicle Platooning and Automated Highways
 Performance and Traffic Management Issues
 Intelligent Automation
 Operational and Policy issues in Automation
 Cyber-physical transportation systems
 Advanced Public Transportation Management
 Air, Road, and Rail Traffic Management
 Smart Driver and Traveler Support Systems
 Big Data & Vehicle Analytics
 Big Data Analytics for Intelligent Transportation
 Big Data and Naturalistic Datasets
 Infrastructure and Platform for Big Data and Intelligent transportation
Submission Procedure
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit a 2 - 3 page chapter proposal by March 12, 2020. The proposals should contain proposed title of the chapter, mission of the chapter, table of contents, full details of authors, their affiliations, and contact details. Authors of accepted proposals will be notified by February 9, 2019 about the status of their proposals along with chapter writing guidelines. Full chapters are expected to be submitted by April 15, 2019.
Submission link:
Important Dates:
March 12, 2020: Chapter proposal submission deadline
March 23, 2020: Proposal acceptance notification and invitation to submit full chapter
May 11, 2020: Full chapter submission deadline
July 14, 2020: Review results including notification of acceptance of chapter
August 04, 2020: Final Chapter Submission
August 18, 2020: Final Deadline