Workshop HCI Challenges in Human Movement Analysis @Interact_2019

HciHumanMovement 2019

Human Computer Interaction

The 1st Workshop on HCI Challenges in Human Movement Analysis will take place on 2nd Sept, at the 17th IFIP TC13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) - INTERACT 2019 (Paphos, Cyprus)
Assessing human bodies’ postures and positions enables to design new interaction techniques, to understand users’ performances and to evaluate ergonomics of devices. In addition to the applications for improving Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), human movement analysis is at the heart of other types of usages including sports, rehabilitation, gesture recognition, etc.
This workshop aims at providing a platform for researchers and designers to discuss the challenges related to the processing (e.g., data collection, treatment, interpretation, recognition) of human movement (e.g., motor skills, amplitude of movements, limitations, displacements…).
We invite researchers and designers applying or interested in assessing human movement to participate in this one-day workshop aiming at discussing limitations and perspectives for developing all the possible applications going forward. Participants are invited to submit position papers presenting applications, case studies, design or evaluation methods outlining the following aspects:
- Which technologies or input device(s) are used?
- What body part(s) are captured and how?
- Which data?
- Which processing?
- Which outputs for which goals/tasks?
- What are the original aspects and open challenges?
The position papers should be up to 2 pages, excluding references, no specific format is required at this stage. At least one author must attend the workshop. All participants must register for the workshop and at least one day of the conference.
May 6th: Submission deadline (1st call)
May 21st: Notification of acceptance
September 2nd: One-day workshop
September 2nd- 6th: Main conference Interact 2019
Accepted papers will be published in the adjunct conference proceedings and available at the workshop website. Authors of accepted papers will be invited to submit an extended version of their work for a book proposal.
Submissions and enquiries:
Lilian Genaro Motti Ader - CeADAR, University College Dublin
Benoît Bossavit - KDEG Group, Trinity College Dublin
Brian Caulfield - Insight Centre, University College Dublin
Mathieu Raynal - ELIPSE Team, IRIT Lab, University of Toulouse
Karine Lan Hing Ting - ActivAgeing, University of Technology of Troyes
Jean Vanderdonckt - Louvain Interaction Lab, Louvain School of Management
Nadine Vigouroux - ELIPSE Team, IRIT Lab, University of Toulouse