Speech, Music and Mind 2019: Detecting and Influencing Mental States with Audio. A satellite workshop of Interspeech 2019

SMM 2019

Music & Musicology

In line with the theme for INTERSPEECH 2019 (Crossroads of Speech and Language), the emphasis is on (but not limited to) the below topics, arranged according to the workshop program.
1. Detecting stress, emotion or mental states of people from speech
- Multi-modal approaches: using other modes such as video and sensor data in addition to speech
- Relevance of language models for mental state detection
- Cross-corpus detection on non-acted speech databases in multiple languages and realistic environments
2. Effects of Audio on stress, emotion and mental states of people
- Audio-Visual Perception of music
- Analysis of brain signal responses to audio and visual stimulus
- Evaluation and Applications: augmented reality, art installations, music animations, computer games, etc
3. Other topics that are of interest in the context of stress, emotion and mental states
- Novel signal processing or machine learning techniques
- Sounds at inaudible frequencies
- Novel protocols for assessing mental states, inducing stress or emotion
- Applications related to the above topics
Submission Process:
Submitted papers will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee. Each paper will receive at least two reviews. The paper submission link is active (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=smm19)
The workshop proceedings will be stored in ISCA’s archive and will be freely accessible.