7th International Congress on Infectious Diseases

Infection Congress 2020

Alternative & Traditional Medicine

Following the success of Infection Congress 2019 Conference Series llc LTD is pleased to announce 7th International Congress on Infectious Diseases, held during Feb 24-25, 2020, Berlin, Germany. We are happy to invite all anticipated participants to share and explore their research findings as keynote presentations, Oral talks, Poster presentations, Workshops and Exhibitions.
Infectious Diseases
Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases
Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases
Infection Prevention, Control and Treatment
Emerging and Re-Emerging Infectious Diseases
Antimicrobial Agents
STD and Contact Diseases
Bacterial Infectious Diseases
Fungal Infectious Diseases
Neglected & Tropical Infectious diseases
Parasitic Infectious Diseases
Viral Infections
Recent Outbreaks and their Control
Pediatric Infectious Diseases
Food and Water borne Infections
Pulmonary and Chest Infections
Dental and Oral Infectious Diseases
Neurological Infectious Diseases