OGEL Law Journal: Call for Papers for a Special Issue on The Changing LNG Markets and Contracts


Sustainable Energy Sustainable Energy

The Oil, Gas and Energy Law (OGEL, ISSN 1875-418X) law journal is preparing a Special Issue on the "Changing LNG Markets and Contracts".
At the time of rapid LNG volume growth, this special issue will look specifically at the most recent phenomena in LNG markets and the key changes to traditional LNG contract structures. We encourage submission of relevant papers, studies, and brief comments on various aspects of this subject.
Topics of interest include:
* Commoditization of LNG
* New LNG projects and markets
* Novel LNG financing structures
* Financial LNG trading
* Portfolio LNG
* LNG transactions
* LNG Sale and Purchase Agreements (SPAs)
* The role of SPAs in the LNG industry
* Changing price formation in SPAs
* Changing non-price terms in SPAs
* Short-term and spot LNG deals
* LNG disputes
Guest Editor: Agnieszka Ason (London School of Economics)
More information and contact details https://www.ogel.org/news.asp?key=617
The article submission guidelines are available at https://www.ogel.org/contribute.asp (more information and/or sample papers available upon request).