doors 2023
Computer Networks & Wireless Communication Computer Security & Cryptography Databases & Information Systems Fuzzy Systems Signal Processing Biomedical Technology
Edge Computing Workshop (doors) is a peer-reviewed international Computer Science workshop focusing on research advances and applications of edge computing, a process of building a distributed system in which some applications, as well as computation and storage services, are provided and managed by (i) central clouds and smart devices, the edge of networks in small proximity to mobile devices, sensors, and end users; and (ii) others are provided and managed by the center cloud and a set of small in-between local clouds supporting IoT at the edge.
The goal of doors is to bring together researchers and practitioners from academia and industry working on edge computing to share their ideas, discuss research/work in progress, and identify new/emerging trends in this important emerging area. The emergence of the Internet of Things (IoT) and the demand for responsiveness, privacy, and situation-awareness are pushing computing to the edge of the Internet. There are many challenges in the design, implementation, and deployment of different aspects of edge computing: infrastructure, systems, networking, algorithms, applications, etc. doors would like to open discussions in these areas.
doors topics of interest are opened to:
algorithms and techniques for machine learning and AI at the edge
cellular infrastructure for edge computing
distributed ledger technology and blockchain at the edge
edge computing infrastructure and edge-enabled applications
edge-based data storage and databases
edge-optimized heterogeneous architectures
fault-tolerance in edge computing
fog computing models and applications
geo-distributed analytics and indexing on edge nodes
hardware architectures for edge computing and devices
innovative applications at the edge
interoperability and collaboration between edge and cloud computing
monitoring, management, and diagnosis in edge computing
processing of IoT data at network edges
programming models and toolkits for edge computing
resource management and Quality of Service for edge computing
security and privacy in edge computing
Authors are invited to submit full (at least 6 pages) papers through the HotCRP
( by January 7, 2023.
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