Hwa Kang English Journal


Language & Linguistics

Call for Papers
Hwa Kang English Journal, Vol. 25 (July 2020)
Submission Deadline: March 31, 2020

Hwa Kang English Journal is a fully refereed scholarly journal, published by the Department of English Language and Literature, Chinese Culture University. Founded in1995, it was originally titled Hwa Kang Journal of English Language & Literature. With Volume 19, HKEJ has resumed an annual publication schedule. Committed to promoting rigorous research and intellectual dialogue, the journal features articles that cover a wide range of scholarly concerns.
We welcome original submissions from domestic and foreign scholars in the fields of literature, linguistics, English teaching, translation studies, and cultural studies. In addition to articles on research, methodology and criticism, the journal also welcomes book reviews.

New Submission Deadline: March 31, 2020

1. Manuscripts should be written in English. Papers in the field of literature should follow MLA style; those in the fields of linguistics and English teaching adhere to APA style.
2. Manuscripts should be close to 20 pages or 7000 words in length, inclusive of separate English and Chinese abstracts (250 words maximum), each with 3 to 6 keywords below. HKEJ’s length standard is flexible based on the merit and originality of the submission, but articles that depart significantly from these guidelines will face a reduced likelihood of acceptance.
3. All submissions and correspondence should be transmitted electronically via e-mail. Please submit electronic files of the manuscripts (in Microsoft Word) to eng_jour@pccu.edu.tw.To complete the submission, you have to fill out the “Author Data Form” in our cloud drive via this link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeFcwagNCOAeX8Vcuer4YmLFfxOpYzIZ2zDYBjNNikTyRfhzg/viewform In case you are not able to access the form in our cloud drive, you may download another version of the form (available at https://sites.google.com/a/pccu.edu.tw/hkej/call-for-papers) and send it along with your manuscript by email.
4. The preliminary internal review is without charge; authors of papers forwarded for external review will be charged NT$2000 to fund the referees’ stipend. Due to technical difficulties that may arise in currency conversion and money transfer, authors living outside Taiwan may apply for a fee waiver for outside reviews.
5. Our journal will not consider for publication manuscripts being simultaneously submitted elsewhere, or any material that has been previously published under the author’s own name or the name of any other author.
6. Sections or chapters of authors’ own M.A. theses or Ph.D. dissertations may be revised and submitted for consideration. The author should indicate that his/her submission is part of his/her degree work in a revised form.
7. Upon acceptance for publication, the author is required to sign a copyright agreement form (available at https://sites.google.com/a/pccu.edu.tw/hkej/copyright-agreements).
8. The author will receive one copy of the journal and a PDF file of the article upon publication.
9. Book reviews should cover books published within the last five years and should be around 2 pages in length. They should include full bibliographical data at the top of the text, as well as the total number of pages in the book.
10. For other information regarding submissions, please refer to our submission guidelines at https://sites.google.com/a/pccu.edu.tw/hkej/submissions.

Inquiries can be addressed to:
Editorial Board, Hwa Kang English Journal
Department of English Language & Literature, Chinese Culture University
55 Hwa Kang Rd., Yangmingshan Taipei 11114, Taiwan
Email: eng_jour@pccu.edu.tw
Tel: +886-2-2861-0511 ext. 23805