JU Journal of Information Technology (JIT)

JUJIT 2014

Engineering & Computer Science (General) Software Systems Uncategorized

Jahangirnagar University Journal of Information Technology (JIT) is a peer-reviewed journal, published annually by Institute of Information Technology of Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh. The Journal features original research work, review and tutorial papers on all aspects of Information and Communication Technologies. It is intended for the rapid dissemination of knowledge and experience to Scientists and Engineers working in any area related to Information and Communication Technologies. Authors are encouraged to submit complete unpublished and original works, which are not under review in any other journals. The Journal also welcomes extended versions of article presented at national and international conferences.

The journal is published in both print and online versions. The online version is free access and download.

Author’s Instruction
Initial Submission Instructions:
*All contributions should be sent electronically either in portable document format (.pdf) as email attachments directly to jit@juniv.edu or mskaiser@juniv.edu. Please be sure that authors’ names, affiliations, acknowledgements do not appear in the submitted paper. On the email please include the name and affiliation of all authors. A paper id will be assigned to each submission for future correspondences.

**Authors are advised to download the doc or tex template. Manuscripts must not exceed 10 pages on A4–size paper including everything (texts, figures, tables, references, appendices, author’s biography etc.). Abstract and keywords must not exceed 200 and 5 words respectively.

***Please note that all submissions would be judged based on their quality through double-blind reviewing, where the identities of the authors are withheld from the reviewers. Publication of a paper in a particular issue depends on the submission date and response time from the reviewer and also on the author.

Paper Processing Fee: Free
Hard Copy for corresponding author: Free

Article Types
Three types of manuscripts may be submitted:
Regular articles: These should describe new and carefully confirmed findings, and experimental procedures should be given in sufficient detail for others to verify the work. The length of a full paper should be the minimum required to describe and interpret the work clearly.

Short Communications: A Short Communication is suitable for recording the results of complete small investigations or giving details of new models or hypotheses, innovative methods, techniques or apparatus. The style of main sections need not conform to that of full-length papers. Short communications are 2 to 4 printed pages in length.

Reviews: Submissions of reviews and perspectives covering topics of current interest are welcome and encouraged. Reviews should be concise and no longer than 4-6 printed pages. Reviews are also peer-reviewed.

Plagiarism/Dual Submission:
This note is for those who have dual-submission [i.e., submission to JIT and another conference/journal/etc. of having significantly similar contents] or, plagiarism (Plagiarism is defined in dictionaries as the ‘wrongful appropriation,’ ‘close imitation,’ or “purloining and publication” of another author’s “language, thoughts, ideas, or expressions,” and the representation of them as own [Source: wiki]),
Before we take any disciplinary actions, let us know if you have any!
We have already noticed a couple of cases and disciplinary actions will be undertaken as per the disciplinary committee – e.g.,
Report to host university;
Black-listing authors and/or, the dept/host institute, etc. for future submission;
Uploading black-listed names of the authors with affiliation in the website of JIT;
Barring them for any further submission to JIT;
Report to all journals of Public Universities of Bangladesh about them as black-listed authors.
We hope that authors will maintain the academic honesty while submitting a paper.