Call for Critical or Creative Work
"New Writing: the International Journal for the Practice and Theory" is open for submissions for Volume 11, to be published in 2014 (primarily for inclusion in Issues 11.2 and 11.3) and for Volume 12.
The journal considers critical work relating to Creative Writing practice and the critical examination of Creative Writing. Strong pedagogically focused papers are considered. Creative work (in any genre) is likewise also welcome.
Word length and submission guidelines are at:
Submissions welcome via this journal submission site.
New Writing is independent of any organisation, and is published internationally in hard copy as well as electronically by Routledge/Taylor and Francis.
New Writing aims to celebrate the best of Creative Writing creative and critical practice in and around universities and colleges, and beyond.
All work is peer reviewed.
Happy New Year!
Contact for Journal Editor-in-Chief:
(Prof.Graeme Harper)