Entrepalavras - The Linguistics journal of the Department of vernacular language of the Federal University of Ceará (UFC), founded in 2011 and evaluated as B5 in 2012, invites undergraduate and graduate students, professors and researchers to submit papers to the 7th edition, with free theme.
The submissions are open until 30th June 2014 and the release is scheduled for the issue of October 2014. Entrepalavras accepts original articles, experience reports, reviews and translations of interest to the linguistic area, with theoretical or applied character, such as linguistics theory and analysis, applied linguistics, historical linguistics, sociolinguistics and dialectology, text linguistics, discourse analysis, discursive semiotics, psycholinguistics, cognitive linguistics, lexicography and lexicology, semantics and pragmatics.
The entire process of submission and evaluation must be, respectively, performed and followed at our website. In order to submit their papers, the authors must observe the journal’s publication rules. Those who still have not registered in our system can do it by our SEER system. In order to consult our indexers, access the Entrepalavras Journal. For further information, please contact us by the email