DISCERN, International Journal of Design for Social Change, Sustainable Innovation and Entrepreneurship


Entrepreneurship & Innovation Social Sciences (General) Innovation

DISCERN is a scientific and cross-disciplinary research journal (ISSN digital: 2184-6995) with blind peer review, which publishes open access papers in the broad and multi-faceted area of design for social change. Through original conceptual, theoretical, and empirical research articles, it promotes and shares interdisciplinary and diverse knowledge related to the research and practice of design for Social Change, Sustainable Innovation, and Entrepreneurship in an open, global and multidisciplinary perspective.

The authors and readers of this journal are mainly professionals, students, researchers and scholars from the fields of design, innovation, entrepreneurship, industry, and social sciences at national and international levels, interested in the international debate on the current environmental, social, economic and, cultural societal challenges.

DISCERN is an online research journal published in March (Spring Edition) and September (Fall Edition) of each year. It accepts papers only written in English.

The International Journal of Design for Social Change, Sustainable Innovation and Entrepreneurship encourages contributions from a wide cross-sectoral audience including postgraduate students. 


Design, Social Design, Social Change, Sustainability, Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Technology, Education, Social Enterprises, Social Awareness, Social Responsibility