Academic Exchange Quarterly
Summer 2016 Issue
(Potential future publication in Sound Instruction Book through Academic Exchange Quarterly)
Dr. Malinda (Mindy) Hoskins Lloyd
Assistant Professor
Tennessee Technological University
Issue: Summer 2016, KEYWORD: KNOWLEDGE
(Note: AEQ publishes manuscripts on thousands of topics. Please be sure to search for the Upcoming Summer 2016 Issue and the KEYWORD: KNOWLEDGE.)
Topic’s Title: Teachers’ Knowledge of Best Practices in Literacy Instruction
Focus: Classroom teachers are charged with the task of implementing research-based, best practices in literacy instruction (and across the curriculum) as a means of increasing student achievement; however, with the influx of available online resources (some credible, some not), these practitioners must apply extensive discernment in putting “best practices” to work. Research clearly shows that teachers’ knowledge plays a crucial role in effective instruction. The theory-to-practice nexus remains of the essence.
This edition seeks manuscripts which address the following questions:
• From what sources do teachers acquire their knowledge of research-based, best practices?
• How do teachers act as reflective practitioners, thoughtfully selecting their resources with intentionality in an effort to implement best practices?
• How do teachers sustain their own professional growth in order to increase student achievement?
• On what sources do teachers rely as they plan for instruction? How do these sources impact their students’ achievement?
• How can the application of research-to-practice be facilitated? How can a reciprocal exchange of knowledge occur between researchers and practitioners?
Who May Submit: Submissions are encouraged from researchers, university faculty, administrators, graduate students who are co-authoring with a faculty member, practitioners, and others in the field of education who will positively contribute to the body of literature. Submissions should include the keywords: KNOWLEDGE.
Article Submission Guidelines: Observe 2000-3000 word limit (See for more information.)
To Submit: Visit the following link and click on “2016 Summer KNOWLEDGE: Teachers’ Knowledge” in the left-hand column:
Or visit:
Article Submission Deadline:
“Early” submissions are due by the end of January 2016.
**Please refer to Academic Exchange Quarterly’s website for complete details.**