Call for Papers: Analize Journal of Gender and Feminist Studies 15th of March 2022

CfP Analize 2022

Social Sciences (General)

The Covid-19 pandemic has dramatically transformed all our lives and the way we do things. Plans, projects, and writings have been cancelled or postponed. As other professionals, scholars have also been facing challenges related with the new regime of working from home, doing research in a “socially and physically distanced world,” facing the fear and uncertainty of living in a pandemic context. Taking into consideration all of the above, we felt the need to offer a sign of solidarity during difficult times. We are therefore launching a non-thematic Call for Papers for our next AnaLize Journal issue. Innovative critical contributions dealing with any of the areas covered by our journal (gender/feminist/queer/LGBTQIA+) are welcomed.
Analize – Journal of Gender and Feminist Studies intends to open conversations among Eastern and non-Eastern feminist researchers on the situated nature of their feminism(s) and to encourage creative and critical feminist debates across multiple axes of signification such as gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, ethnicity, religion, etc. We are also open to publishing position papers, case studies, viewpoints, book reviews from practitioners of all grades and professions, academics and other specialists on the broad spectrum of gender and feminist studies.
We are an online, open access, peer-reviewed international journal that aims to bring into the public arena new ideas and findings in the field of gender and feminist studies and to contribute to the gendering of the social, economic, cultural and political discourses and practices about today’s local, national, regional and international realities.
Issue coordinators:
Diana Elena Neaga, Nicolae Titulescu University, Bucharest;
Valentin Quintus Nicolescu, National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Bucharest
Submission deadline: 15 March 2022
Submission contact:
Analize Journal of Gender and Feminist Studies is listed in EBSCO, DOAJ, Ceeol, ERIH, Worldcat, Open Academic Journals Index.