CFP AION-L 2024: Call for papers AION-L 13
Call for papers AION-L 13_2024 AION-L (“Annali del Dipartimento di Studi letterari, linguistici e comparati. Sezione linguistica”, ISSN 2281-6585) is a journal published by the Università L’Orientale di Napoli. Ranking: A.
The journal welcomes contributions in historical, theoretical and applied linguistics. Besides original contributions, the journal also welcomes proposals for critical reviews and notes.
Submissions may be in Italian, French, or English.
Deadline for submissions: 15 April 2024. Manuscript files should be submitted at or sent to the following address: albertomanco[at]
Authors must declare that their submission is original and unpublished. Authors are asked to submit an anonymous manuscript both in .docx and .PDF format and to include their name, affiliation and institutional e-mail address only in the dedicated field in the website or in their email.
The journal is double-blind peer reviewed. Both reviewers and authors remain anonymous throughout and after the review process.
Title in the language in which the contribution is written
Abstract in the language in which the contribution is written and a second one in English if needed
Keywords in Italian and in English if needed
Bibliographical references
Typographic information
Ideally, manuscripts should not exceed 30.000 characters (spaces and bibliography included).
Text: should be single-spaced and divided into numbered paragraphs using Arabic numerals.
Font: Gentium Plus, pt 10. For Ancient Greek, please use the Greek or Times New Roman font family. Except for special cases, authors should avoid using other font types. In case the use of differ fonts is necessary, these need to be attached as a separate file to the e-mail. For phonetic symbols, authors should use the SILDoulosIPA font.
Short quotation in the text, not exceeding three lines, must be enclosed in double quotation marks.
Quotations exceeding three lines must be inserted as a separate paragraph (single-spaced, pt 9, with left and right indentation set at 1 cm). No quotation marks.
Notes: must be inserted as footnotes (pt 8); footnote numbers in the text must always precede a punctuation mark2. Footnotes must follow the Arabic numeral sequence.
Except for special purposes, authors should avoid using capital letters, bold and underlining.
Bibliographical references in-text must follow the Author-date system, e.g.: (Bianchi 1957: 141; Verdi 2000: 55-56).
Images/charts/tables must be centered (10 cm width limit), with captions underneath.
Tables may be inserted within the text, or in an appendix if this makes them easier to read.
Hyperlinks must be inactive, in black and not underlined.
Page numbers will be added later. Therefore, please, do not insert footers or headers.
Examples of bibliographical references:
Calore, Antonello, 2000, “Per Iovem lapidem”. Alle origini del giuramento. Sulla presenza del ‘sacro’ nell’esperienza giuridica romana, Milano, Giuffrè.
Croft, William, 1991, Syntactic Categories and Grammatical Relations, Chicago, Chicago University Press.
de la Villa, Jesus, 1996, “Lexical Parameters of Prepositional Phrases in Latin”, in Rosén H. (ed.), Aspects of Latin. Papers from the Seventh International Colloquium on Latin Linguistics (Jerusalem, April 1993), Innsbruck, Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Sprachwissenschaft, 259-272.
Dirven, René, 1993, “Dividing up physical and mental space into conceptual categories by means of English prepositions”, in Zelinski-Wibelt C. (ed.), The Semantics of Prepositions, Berlin & New York, Mouton de Gruyter, 73-98.
Ruiz de Mendoza Ibañez, Francisco, 2011.” Metonymy and cognitive operations”, in Benczes. R., Barcelona, A. & Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez, F. (eds.). Defining Metonymy in Cognitive Linguistics: Towards a Consensus View. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 103-123.
Ernout, Alfred & Meillet, Antoine, 1959 [2001], Dictionnaire étymologique de la langue latine: histoire des mots, Paris, Klincksieck. Evans, Vyv & Tyler, Andrea, 2004, “Rethinking English ‘Prepositions of Movement’. The Case of To and Through”, Belgian Journal of Linguistics 18 (1), 247-270.