No. | Title | Type | H2_Index | Submission Due Date |
1 | Marine Pollution Bulletin | Regular | 57 | - |
2 | Marine Ecology Progress Series | Regular | 48 | - |
3 | Aquatic Toxicology | Regular | 46 | - |
4 | Fish and Fisheries | Regular | 45 | - |
5 | Aquaculture | Regular | 44 | - |
6 | Fish & Shellfish Immunology | Regular | 44 | - |
7 | Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography | Regular | 43 | - |
8 | Limnology and Oceanography | Regular | 43 | - |
9 | Freshwater Biology | Regular | 42 | - |
10 | Hydrobiologia | Regular | 41 | - |
11 | Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science | Regular | 40 | - |
12 | Journal of Applied Phycology | Regular | 40 | - |
13 | ICES Journal of Marine Science: Journal du Conseil | Regular | 39 | - |
14 | Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology | Regular | 38 | - |
15 | Coral Reefs | Regular | 37 | - |
16 | Fisheries Research | Regular | 35 | - |
17 | Progress in Oceanography | Regular | 34 | - |
18 | Harmful Algae | Regular | 33 | - |
19 | Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences | Regular | 33 | - |
20 | Marine Biology | Regular | 33 | - |