No. Title Type H2_Index Submission Due Date
1 Journal of Management Regular 79 -
2 Academy of Management Journal Regular 77 -
3 Organization Science Regular 67 -
4 Journal of Management Studies Regular 62 -
5 Academy of Management Review Regular 61 -
6 International Journal of Project Management Regular 55 -
7 The Leadership Quarterly Regular 54 -
8 Journal of Organizational Behavior Regular 51 -
9 Journal of Vocational Behavior Regular 51 -
10 Organization Studies Regular 49 -
11 Human Relations Regular 45 -
12 International Journal of Management Reviews Regular 43 -
13 Personnel Psychology Regular 42 -
14 Journal of Knowledge Management Regular 42 -
15 Journal of Labor Economics Regular 42 -
16 The International Journal of Human Resource Management Regular 41 -
17 The Academy of Management Perspectives Regular 40 -
18 Journal of Human Resources Regular 40 -
19 Labour Economics Regular 37 -
20 Human Resource Management Review Regular 36 -
21 Journal of Liberty and International Affairs
Regular - -
22 Orbeliani Law review
Regular - -
23 Journal on Ethnopolitics and Minority Issues in Europe (JEMIE)  () Regular - -
24 Law Audience Journal
Regular - -
25 Panoply Journal for International Relations
Regular - -
26 Trento Student Law Review
Regular - -
27 Journal of Global Trade, Ethics and Law
Regular - -
28 Transnational Criminal Law Review
Regular - -
29 PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences  () Regular - -
30 International Journal for Research in Law & Legal Procedures
Regular - -
31 Trento Student Law Review
Regular - -
32 International Studies (Međunarodne studije)
Regular - -
33 WhatNext.Law  () Regular - -
34 Panoply Journal of International Relations  () Regular - -
35 Latin American Journal of Nature Rights and Animal Law  () Regular - -
36 Revista Direitos Fundamentais e Alteridade (Fundamental Rights and Alterity Journal)
Regular - -
Regular - -
38 Call For Papers for Indian Politics & Law Review Journal, Annual Volume 5
Regular - -
39 Peace, Land, and Bread - A Scholarly Journal of Revolutionary Theory and Practice
Regular - -
40 International Journal of Law and Politics  () Regular - -
41 American Journal of Trade and Policy (AJTP)
(Am. j. trade policy)
Regular - -