Jurnal Borneo Administrator(JBA) is a scholarly journal published by Pusat Pelatihan dan Pengembangan dan Kajian Desentralisasi dan Otonomi Daerah (Puslatbang KDOD) Lembaga Administrasi Negara or Center for Training and Development and Decentralization and Regional Autonomy Studies - National Institute of Public Administration, Republic of Indonesia. Authors and readers will be able to access to the full text versions of the articles freely. All articles arre completed by DOI number and indexed in DOAJ

JBA is published three times a year (In April, August, and December)

Theme Scope

The theme scope of the manuscript should include various issues, such as  local, domestic/national, and international issues (both from indonesia and overseas). The manuscript theme includes:

-Decentralization, Regional Autonomy and Governance

-Public Sector Innovation

-Local Politics and Democracy

-Public Management

-Public Policy

-Rural/Village Autonomy and Governance

Template & Author Guidelines

The manuscripts is written in English (preferred) within 6000-7000 words. We prepare a Template file to assist prospective authors in writing the manuscript. Please read the Author Guidelines carefully before writing your manuscripts! Each received manuscript will be reviewed by Reviewers. And for authors whom the articles are published, we would like to reward them as our appreciation to your works.


Teh manuscript should be submitted electronically through: https://samarinda.lan.go.id/jba/index.php/jba/index. The submitted manuscripts will not have any 'Article Processing Charges'. This process includes submitting, peer-reviewing, editing, publishing, maintaining and archiving.

Official address

Puslatbang KDOD, Lembaga Administrasi Negara JL HM Ardans 2 (Ringroad III) Air Hitam, Samarinda, Indonesia -75124  | Email: borneo.jurnal@gmail.com