No. Title Type H2_Index Submission Due Date
1 Environmental Health Perspectives Regular 92 -
2 Epidemiology Regular 52 -
3 Environmental Research Regular 45 -
4 Occupational and Environmental Medicine Regular 43 -
5 Environmental Health Regular 42 -
6 International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health Regular 37 -
7 Critical Reviews in Toxicology Regular 36 -
8 Journal of Occupational Health Psychology Regular 36 -
9 Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health Regular 34 -
10 Indoor Air Regular 34 -
11 Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine Regular 33 -
12 Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology Regular 33 -
13 Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology Regular 32 -
14 International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health Regular 31 -
15 Work & Stress Regular 28 -
16 Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation Regular 28 -
17 Occupational Medicine Regular 27 -
18 International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics Regular 26 -
19 Annals of Occupational Hygiene Regular 26 -
20 Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A Regular 26 -
21 Vesper. Rivista di architettura, arti e teoria | Journal of Architecture, Arts & Theory  () Regular - -
22 Discover Global Society
(Water, Society and Governance)
Special Issue - 2024-12-31
23 Journal of Governance, Security & Development
Regular - -
24 International Journal for Research in Law & Legal Procedures
Regular - -
25 Amity Journal of Social Sciences
Regular - -
26 Jurnal Borneo Administrator
Regular - -
27 WhatNext.Law  () Regular - -
28 Latin American Journal of Nature Rights and Animal Law  () Regular - -
29 International Journal of Law and Politics Studies
Regular - -
30 Peace, Land, and Bread - A Scholarly Journal of Revolutionary Theory and Practice
Regular - -
31 Traverses, the online journal of  () Regular - -
32 International Journal of Law and Politics  () Regular - -