Philosophy Bioethics International Law Law Political Science Public Policy & Administration Social Sciences (General) Human Rights
The Revista Direitos Fundamentais e Alteridade (Fundamental Rights and Alterity Journal) - RDFA is a academic journal of the LLM Program at the Faculty of Law of the Catholic University of Salvador (UCSal), a Brazilian university. This journal aims to publish articles written by Brazilian and foreign researchers that are related to the theme of fundamental rights, political philosophy and ethics.
This journal is published every six months.
This journal has offers a free and open access policy, following the principle that making scientific knowledge freely available to the public provides greater worldwide democratization of knowledge.
The article must have 15 to 30 pages; in Word format, extension “.doc”; A4 format, without identification of the authorship, observing the following rules:
I. Formatting rules:
I.1. Font: Times New Roman;
I.2. Spacing: 1.5cm line;
I.3. Other information: Paragraphs with 2cm indentation and without spacing between them;
II. Structure Rules (in the following order):
II.1. Title in the language of the text (and subtitle if any), in size 12, capital and bold, centered;
II.2. Abstract in the language in which the text was written, with 100 to 200 words, containing theme, objectives, methodology, and results; with the word “ABSTRACT” in bold and capital letters; After the abstract text, the term “Keywords” in bold, only with the first capital letter, followed by a minimum of three and a maximum of six words (or expressions) that represent the content of the text, all in lowercase without bold, separated by semicolons;
II.3. Summary.
More informations: tagoretrajano@pro.ucsal.br